Press Room
2021 CPhI Japan
If you are attending CPhI Japan and would like to chat with us about your challenges, schedule a meeting with us. Yasushi Usuda will be pleased to meet you.
With more than 25 years’ experience in Inhalation, Hovione is your solution partner from early proof-of-concept to commercial scale manufacture.
CPhI Japanに出展するホビオンをご覧ください。また、今から面談をご予約しませんか。
Visit Hovione at CPhI Japan Connect and schedule a meeting.
Webinar (available in English)
Title: “Leveraging Particle Engineering towards the Delivery of Biopharmaceuticals”
Date/ Time: April 15th, 2:00 pm JST
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Biopharmaceuticals represent the most promising and fastest-growing field in the pharmaceutical area. These therapeutics show very high specificity and potency at relatively low concentrations and enable the treatment of otherwise untreatable diseases.
What can you learn from this webinar?
- Formulation screening for biologics
- Spray drying of monoclonal antibodies
- Spray freeze drying
- Pulmonary Delivery of enzymes
- A series of case-studies will also be shown for each of the relevant technologies.
Paulo Lino, PhD - Scientist, R&D Drug Product Development
João Sá, PhD - Scientist, R&D Drug Product Development
Watch On-Demand Webinar
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Our experts are available to address all challenges, helping your projects to succeed.